Meet Nike+, the most organized and clear way {for me at least!} to keep track of your running. I just take my phone with me when I run and it records the run distance by accessing the phone's GPS ability. It also connects to my music library on my phone at the same time; which is nice to have everything in one place. It reports vocally everytime you meet a mile marker, and tells you your average pace for the run. Afterwards, you can see your route on a map, how many calories you burned, your fastest mile, and average pace. Plus, it reminds you to run as well as lets you personalize a schedule and goal, whether it be a distance, pace, or customized workout plan. All you really need to do is turn it on. Simple.
Nike+ Running {app}
Meet the partner to Nike+ running, Nike Training Club. This app is super helpful for scheduling and target workouts. On days that I don't have the time to run I still have time for a workout at some point in the afternoon or evening. N+TC offers different workouts for strength, weight loss, or toning and you can pick specific muscles that you want to work.
Nike+ Training Club {app}
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