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why run?

Most people have heard that running has many benefits and is good for one's health. Here are the "whys" of running summarized below. Also see a list on a post made here.

1. Running is an aerobic exercise, which means that it increases your heart rate as you do it, meaning the whole cardiovascular system is involved.
2. Running engages many muscles in your body including those in your legs, back and core even. Because it's an impact exercise (especially if you run outside or on trails) that also strengthens your muscles.
3. The more active you are, you can increase your bone density which makes them stronger. Stronger bones means there is less chance for fractures and breaks in other activities.
4. Also, running is great for the mind. Yes it releases chemicals in the brain that relieve stress and improve your mood but it also has been proven to better your memory over time and somebody who is consistently active actually can change how their mind deals with stress and pressure.
5. Running keeps you fit. It burns calories and if you run for more than thirty minutes you'll begin to burn fat.
6. People who run breathe easier. You can increase your lung capacity while running over long periods of time.
7. Activities like running will often result in better sleep because your body will need to rebuild and repair itself after high-impact training.
8. Running can get you outside. It's true that you can run indoors, but it's a lot more beautiful and fun to be out in nature.

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