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Friday 1 May 2015

the facts about running

Reasons to run. 

-Individuals who are active are much less likely to develop various types of cancer.
-Remain healthier even later in life
-One of the most efficient and effective ways to burn calories
-Improves memory over time
-People who are active and sweat weekly actually have better, healthier skin
-Better balance
-Running can help produce stronger bones by building bone density
-As an impact exercise, running also builds muscle.
-Improves core and back strength as well as posture
-Running increases the brain's serotonin levels and it's been studied that being active regularly may improve the way that your brain naturally manages stress
-Increased lung capacity, can reduce respiratory illness symptoms
-Running may help you maintain a better blood pressure
-Maintain a healthy body weight
-The more active you are, the better  & quicker your body is able to rest when you sleep.

How to run.

Running with good posture and at a good pace makes a lot of difference stamina-wise. This visual serves as a quick reference for some tips to be able to run without feeling super exhausted and also to avoid tense/tired muscles.

Essentially, it's important not to tense or slouch when you run. Breathe deeply too! A lack of sufficient oxygen inhaled results in muscle cramps which can very quickly bring your pace to a stop. Establishing an even breathing rhythm that is steady also sets a pace for you to follow as you run. 

Keep hydrated! Your body uses a lot of water for energy and also as sweat as you run. Muscles will begin to cramp up if you don't consume enough water to fuel your activity.

Don't just push yourself to run farther, but also run shorter distances but faster. Keeping a balance between endurance and speed runs is a good way to not overexert yourself but still improve.

Note that running is not about going super fast all of the time. It's about having the right balance between speed and what you can maintain for a longer amount of time. Running also isn't about always going super long distances all of the time. Most of the time it's good to do a moderate length run to keep it up while adding a longer distance every once and a while (2-3 times per month). Also set goals for yourself that you can attain and work towards like beating best times or increasing your distance. 

Information sources:

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